

基怀与双威大学学院在过去15年间的合作,尽管不是金钱但在物质方面都带来了丰厚的回酬 。特别是Jeffrey Cheah 基金会社区奖学金,由双威大学提供全额资助,并由基怀协调,目的是帮助来自孤儿院和贫困家庭的学生。

To apply or for enquiries, contact Nicolle at
03-92120162 ext 505 or email: jcf@malaysiancare.org

*Only 20 scholarships are awarded every year. 

  • 25岁以下马来西亚公民

  • 低于RM2,000马币家庭月收入

  • 符合课程入学要求

  • 鼓励来自福利机构和社区中心的青年申请

Scholarship Value
  • FULL Tuition Fees

  • Hostel Accommodation 

  • Book Purchases

  • Monthly Cash Allowance of RM600

Scholarship Application Process

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Click on the links to find out more about the courses available. Check on the minimum academic requirement for the course.


1. Complete the scholarship application form below:

  • JCF Form English 

  • JCF Form Bahasa Melayu 

2. Attach the certified true copy documents as stated below:-

  • SPM/ STPM certificate or equivalent

  • Identity Card

  • School leaving certificates

  • All extracurricular activities/certificates

  • Recommendation letter to validate the level of income and family background

  • Parents/guardian's latest Income Tax Statement

  • Latest 3 consecutive months' salary slips/any other proof of income (For retirees, the last drawn pay slip must be enclosed)

  • Latest EPF Statement

3. Scan all documents with Camscanner application and save as PDF file with the name of the document labelled clearly. (Example -  Your name - IC copy  or Your Name - Mother's Payslip- April)

4. Submit all documents to Malaysian CARE via email 

To apply or for enquiries, contact Nicolle at 03 92120162 (Ext 505) or Email: [email protected]

Applications are Closed for 2024! 

We will open for submissions in January 2025

Alumni Testimonials

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Vincent Tey

My siblings and I have been staying in an orphanage since we were young as my parents were not able to support all of us financially..

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Phua Pui Ling

 My dad had diabetes and kidney failure ever since I was young. As he had to go through frequent dialysis, it was impossible for my parents to support me to further my studies. My dream to be a forensic accountant seemed like it was never going to come true.

My JCF Story

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  Growing up without the comforts of a traditional family, I faced challenges that tested my resilience. Yet, within those challenges, I found the strength to dream.

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Joyce Ang

  Growing up, I had a pretty good childhood until my father, who was the only one providing for us, got sick and passed away.