Partners in Prayer

Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, 
it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 18:19)

We invite you to pray for the ministry of Malaysian CARE and for the needs of the poor & needy in our communities.

Prayer Points for this Month (September 2024)

PC Raub
WEEK 1 September 1-8, 2024

  1. Pray for the success of an awareness campaign in Pahang, aiming to protect indigenous land territories. Pray also for the attendees to take necessary steps, including action discussions, forming an Action Committee, conducting GPS workshops, documentation, and addressing land issues with relevant authorities.

  2. We thank God for the meeting with a GIS expert, Jeff, that was held in June at Kampung Sungai Mai, Jerantut. Pray for ongoing cooperation between Malaysian CARE and the experts.

  3. Pray for PC Raub to start Kursus Kewangan Inklusif (KKI) classes in Kg Labu this year. Pray for God to be with PC Raub staff and that the villagers will be blessed by the teaching on land management, finances and health.

  4. Pray for the expansion of the Marquisa Project in Kg Ruai. Pray that every need with regards to health, equipment and other resources will be provided. 

  5. Pray for the safety of PC Raub staff as they travel through rough terrain. 

Special Needs
WEEK 2 June 10-16, 2024

  1. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance in forming a Christian Consultation Disabilities Network to support Young Adults with Learning Disabilities.

  2. Pray for the Toy Library to be a place of hope for parents as they utilise the facilities and services to help their children.

  3. Pray for the Special Needs Education team as we collaborate with SMK Bahang, Penampang, and other relevant agencies to run the Job Coach programme.

  4. Pray for the ongoing collaboration among parents and professional networks in Miri to bring awareness and inclusion in the community.

  5. Pray for the team travelling to Penang to attend the National Early Childhood Intervention Conference on 14-16 September 2024.

Service Development
WEEK 3 September 16-22, 2024

  1. Pray for adjustment and God's provision for Tina Yap as she serves on a funded research while preparing for her PhD at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a full-time student. Despite missing the people, she is looking forward to taking a leap of faith.

  2. Pray for the continuous development of Casework Volunteers and for more volunteers to take on this role.

  3. Pray for divine guidance and direction in all our endeavours, so that we may continually align our efforts with God's purposes and priorities in sustaining our programme and serving the children.

  4. Pray for strength, perseverance and grace for the service development team in all their upcoming work.

  5. Pray for the continued development of youth services and programmes, that we may meet the targets set by the end of the year.

PC Klang

WEEK 4 September 23-30, 2024

  1. Pray for the health of the staff, volunteers and caregivers in PC Klang, that the Lord will grant them complete healing and wisdom to take good care of themselves.

  2. Pray for the PC Klang team to learn and grow in knowledge and passion for serving People Living with HIV (PLHIV).

  3. Pray for churches to adopt the 14 families who are currently receiving groceries from PC Klang monthly.

  4. Pray for churches to extend their community service and prayers to include PLHIV.

  5. Pray for good weather in Klang, especially that floods will not occur, and pray for the government to improve the drainage system to prevent flooding.