Publications Available

Our list of publications that are available for purchase.

The Revd Peter John Young 
by Tan Jin Huat

As the founding Executive Director of Malaysian Care, Peter Young holds a unique place in the history of this organization. Yet, not only in this organization but through his advocacy and pioneering work, he nurtured the involvement of the Church in Malaysia with the poor and needy.

He rallied Malaysian Christians to serve those whom society had cast aside or exploited because they were weak, poor, disabled, or had made wrong choices. While many see these things happen around them, few would do anything to change the situation. Awareness if not acted upon leads to apathy. Peter Young was not the type of person to contemplate such an option because what compelled him to act were his faith and his love for people. In his lifetime, he served and spoke for the downtrodden without any rewards or awards. In so doing, Peter showed us what is the essence of true sacrificial human love.

In this book, Tan Jin Huat’s account of Peter Young’s life serves as an inspiration for others to follow the path less taken. I pray that more will do so for then we can look forward to a better society in this nation.

Available @RM25.00 per copy

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Who Cares
by Betty Young

This is the story of Malaysian Care in its first 10 years. It was written by the late Betty Young (wife of our founding Executive Director Rev Peter Young) as a bequest to Malaysian Care, with a Macedonian call to “Come over and help us”. It is also a collection of stories of those who have been helped in that first decade.

Excerpts from the book:

A fit of coughing racked Jacob’s body and left him gasping for breath. These bouts of asthma had become more and more frequent, leaving him exhausted. At last it was over, and still breathing heavily, he propped himself up against the wall of his cell, his chest glistening with sweat. Life just wasn’t worth living, he concluded. Not only had he to face a probable long sentence for a recent armed robbery, but there were other charges for crimes committed in another town.

“Will you take my little boy in?” The smiling, young woman looked in turn at the three of us, sitting around her hospital bed…We all knew we couldn’t accept her son, then seven years old. He was severely physically handicapped. We thought of our boisterous children in House of Care. Khen Siong will be knocked flat on his back in the first five minutes! (Still this cry of a dying mother marked the beginning of Malaysian Care’s special needs ministry)

Read the book to find out how Jacob and many others found hope behind and beyond the prison bars. Who Cares was first printed in 1991. The print copies have run out some years ago, hence the e-book is available to keep this legacy alive digitally!

"Biar Pete de Besuara"

Illustrated by a Semai Orang Asli artist, Bah Saluji a/l Yeok So Alu, and written by Lai Bwe Yuoong, this children's illustrated book for lower primary school age is the first of its kind in 3 languages - Semai, English and Chinese. This project is funded by UNDEF in collaboration with Malaysian CARE and Koperasi Sengoi Pribumi Perak.

This is artist Saluji's second book. His first book, 'Nenek Dengan Yeok Luat' was published two years ago, also in collaboration with The Bridge Communication. Proceeds from the book will support efforts towards creating awareness on Orang Asli rights, specifically customary land rights, indigenous language and preservation of Orang Asli traditional knowledge. 

Available at RM 20.00 per copy

To order your book, e-mail  Rebecca at [email protected] 

Delivery fees are according to location. You can also pick it up at Silverfish bookstore. For inquiries, call 03-9212 01 62 ext 142

Odoo • Text and Image

Malaysian CARE had also produced a short video interview with Saluji below in conjunction with International Day of World Indigenous Peoples. Watch it below!