CareContact EN Sep 2020 prayer points

Care Contact

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3. NOV 1. Praise God for guiding the Care Contact Editorial Team through the year. Pray for His continued presence as we look ahead to 2021, starting with 1st Quarter (Dec 20– Feb 21) issue. 2. Praise God for the rollout of CARE revamped website in 31 st July 2020. Pray that Communications together with other departments will be able to optimise website performance. 3. Pray for clear direction, strength and blessing as Keith settles in to the role of Corporate Relations Coordinator. 4. Pray for Donor Relations, that God will bless the 5-year 2021-2025 strategic planning. May our journey with donors bear much fruit for His kingdom work in CARE. Pray for good health for Jack, Donor Relations Leader. 5. Praise God for His help to deliver the 2020 Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship. Pray to uphold the successful recipients to the Lord that their time at Sunway will be meaningful. 1. We thank God for the successful completion of the Financial Literacy Programme with a community that was conducted virtually during RMCO. Pray for the team as they follow up on the participants’ progress. 2. Pray for our relationship with the rural communities as we reconnect post-MCO. We have not visited them since February 2020. 3. Pray for our community members in Tudan, Taman Tunku and Permyjaya who have been affected by the pandemic. Pray that we can be of help and encouragement to them. 4. Pray that we have a clear direction and more clarity in the future on children empowerment work in Miri as we continue to explore with churches, kindergartens and communities. 5. Pray for the Conferences (National Economic Empowerment and National Early Childhood Intervention) that were to be held in Miri in 2020. Both have been postponed to 2021. Pray for clarity and direction in planning in view of the current situation. Embracing the new norm—conducting Financial Literacy Programme via online platform (Photo credit: Sharon Cheong) Communications WEEK 3 Oct 19-25, 2020 1. Pray for this team to serve God and glorify His name by serving CARE’s mission and vision. 2. Pray for the communities we serve in Kota Marudu, Kudat, Pitas and Kota Kinabalu, that God will continue working in their lives and provide them with good health and creativity. May they be eager and steadfast to build economic stability in light of COVID-19. 3. Pray for God’s wisdom and power towards our partners, Ms. Jenet Mogimbong, to help manage all the kindergartens under the Protestant Church in Sabah or PCS. 4. Pray that our team can identify participants who are open to learning Kursus Kewangan Bandar/Kursus Kewangan Luar Bandar through digital platforms. May both PC KK / KM staff and participants get the needed exposure to adapt to the new method of training. 5. Pray to commit the needs and good health of staff and families to the Lord. PC Kota Kinabalu & Kota Marudu WEEK 4 Oct 26-31, 2020 PC Miri WEEK 1 Nov 1-8, 2020 pullout

2. pullout OCT 1. Thank God for pre-recorded weekly religious classes “Hope in God” at Penjara Wanita Kajang. Pray that the inmates will be opened to joining CARE’s after-release programme through Rumah Kepercayaan. 2. Penjara Wanita Kajang was blessed with donations from corporate organisations, namely Kinder Soap by Sunway and Gloves by Top Glove, through CARE during the pandemic. Pray for blessings upon these organisations. 3. Pray for God’s favour to enable us to share the love of Christ in prison work during COVID-19. 4. Pray for clients of Rumah Petros and Rumah Kepercayaan as they plan for their recovery journey. May they continuously keep their eyes on Jesus to take the righteous path. 5. Pray for the setting-up of PC Klang. Pray for guidance and favour as the team gather resources and initiate collaboration with potential partners and networks. 1. The Koperasi Sengoi Pribumi Perak is currently looking for a staff to fill in the community organising role. Pray for God to provide an Orang Asli who wants to grow and empower himself/herself and his/her community. 2. Due to the MCO, rubber trading is not as effective as before. Prices are low and the KSPP is suffering losses. Pray for the rubber project team to execute their plan of venturing into different villages to buy rubber cup lumps with wisdom, patience and discipline. 3. During the MCO, most of the OA villages have been actively working on their land. Pray for them to continue this good effort while protecting their land rights with proper documentation and mapping. 4. Some parents are working hard to keep their children updated with their homework and studies during this MCO. Pray for good health, discipline and perseverance for the children, parents and community teachers in the villages in the midst of this pandemic. 5. Pray for the safety and good health of staff of Ladang CARE and PC Kampar as they carry out their daily tasks. 1. Thank God for the provision of resources for our Prison & Addiction work. Pray for His wisdom and guidance as service adjusts to accommodate the changing nature of prison programmes due to the pandemic. 2. Pray for the editorial team currently working on the publication of the Trainers' Manual for Kursus Kewangan Bandar, Tahap 1 . Pray for wisdom and discernment to make the Manual interesting, impactful and relevant for the ever-changing environment. 3. The management and staff are involved in CARE’s Strategic Planning 2021-2025. Pray that we would continue to be discerning of the leading of the Holy Spirit and be aligned with God's purpose for us in the community. 4. Pray for case managers and case workers to be equipped with strength and discernment as they work out plans with the individuals and families. Pray for available resources for more effective contribution to case plans. 5. Pray for more candidates among NGO workers and school leavers to pursue the Diploma in Social Work with Methodist College Kuala Lumpur. May God touch the hearts of those He impressed upon to give them the courage to enrol in this course. Bah Sali (part of the rubber project team of KSPP) works hard to collect and buy rubber scrap from villages (Photo credit: Enulyex Sarol A/P Awin) While access to prison is limited, the Prison team in CARE continuously work towards providing the message of hope for the inmates through creative means (Photo credit: Eric Ruben) Prison Work Clients/Volunteers/Prison/PKPA WEEK 4 Sep 23-30, 2020 PC Kampar WEEK 1 Oct 1-11, 2020 Service Development WEEK 2 Oct 12-18, 2020

4. 1. Pray for staff to receive guidance and wisdom from God as they plan for the final months of the year. 2. Pray for all staff to be healthy and safe from danger as they carry on their daily activities. 3. Pray that every staff will experience God's agape love in a tangible way. 4. Pray for God's wisdom and discernment upon the Human Resource team (Wong Young Soon, Lynn Tung and Christina Raj) as they support the staff of Malaysian CARE. 5. Thank God for His unconditional and everlasting love, and for refreshing and renewing all staff every day. 1. Pray for wisdom, strength and foresight for the admin team as they improvise and comply with the SOPs related to the COVID-19 situation. 2. Pray for the safety of all staff and visitors. 3. Pray for protection for Finance & Admin team in all their travelling. 4. Pray for provision and sustenance with regard to the deficit faced by CARE in this time. 1. Pray for a successful conclusion for the Strategic Planning exercise so that God's plans for Malaysian CARE for 2021-2025 will achieve His purposes. 2. Pray for younger Board Members to join the Board. 3. Thank God that all our programmes are slowly resuming after the MCO. Pray that we will be able to continue reaching out to the communities we serve despite the restrictions. 4. Pray over the plans to start PC Klang and PC Raub, that the right people and place will be available. 5. Pray for Gan Siew Li's next phase even as she has left Malaysian CARE. Pray for a suitable replacement for her as Personal Assistant to the Executive Director. Human Resources WEEK 2 Nov 9-15, 2020 Finance & Admin WEEK 3 Nov 16-22, 2020 Executive Director’s Office WEEK 4 Nov 23-30, 2020 pullout NOV

1. 1. We thank God for the volunteers who teach Malaysian CARE's classes at four prisons within the Klang Valley. Pray that when classes are allowed to resume after the Recovery Movement Control Order, all the volunteers, staff and inmates will continue to be protected from the COVID-19 virus. 2. We are grateful to all who shared their inputs in the Biblical Justice survey in June. We seek your prayers as we look through the response and come out with strategic plans for the Church Advocacy work. 3. Pray for Biar Pete de Besuara to be an effective advocacy tool, bringing about awareness and resulting in positive changes towards acknowledgement of indigenous land rights in Malaysia. 4. Pray for our Parliament during the preparation process of Budget 2021 leading to its tabling in October, for the entire proposal to be just, to be attentive to the immediate and long-term needs of the poor, and to promote preservation of the ecosystems and the wildlife in them. 5. We thank God for every youth that God has placed in our path. As Christians in Malaysia, let us pray that God strengthens the Youth team and enables collaboration with young Christians to serve outside the walls. 1. Bumblebee will be sharing awareness and resources of “Learn Through Play” through social media and Instagram. Pray that the shared content will benefit the communities and partners. 2. Bumblebee Mobile Resource Centre Operational Manual is being drafted. With this manual, Bumblebee can be easily replicated in many communities. Pray for God’s wisdom upon the team as they work on the manual. 3. Pray for parents at our Toy Library, that God will strengthen and help them with their children throughout this RMCO period, and that more parents will utilise our resources. 4. Pray for our young adults that they can resume work at their respective workplaces safely in good health and protection. 5. Pray for unity amongst the staff team in working together. Pray for wisdom, discernment and protection as staff travel to meet the families and clients. SEPTEMBER — NOVEMBER 2020 Prayer Points Prayer walk and area scouting in Setapak (Photo credit: Nicholas Goh) Policy, Advocacy & Research WEEK 1 Sep 1-7, 2020 Child Empowerment (Special Needs & Bumblebee) WEEK 3 Sep 15-22, 2020 SEP pullout 1. Pray for the poor and needy in the Setapak community as some of them were greatly affected by the Movement Control Order with some losing their jobs and means of livelihood. 2. Pray for the staff team who are currently planning for the next five years in their respective community work. Pray for God’s direction and favour. 3. Pray for refugees in Malaysia as they navigate through an uncertain future even as raids and crackdowns on migrant communities have increased, with families being detained in crowded conditions. 4. Pray for the youth as their education has been severely affected by the recent pandemic. Pray that they will use their time wisely, build good habits and develop themselves. Setapak Community & Youth WEEK 2 Sep 8-14, 2020 5. Pray for migrant and refugee employment opportunities. Most of these people were left jobless and living without money during the MCO and are struggling to find employment even now.


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