Partners in Prayer

Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, 
it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 18:19)

We invite you to pray for the ministry of Malaysian CARE and for the needs of the poor & needy in our communities.

Prayer Points for this Month (December 2023)

PC Kota Kinabalu & Kota Marudu
WEEK 1 December 1-10, 2023

  1. Pray for more children and parents to actively participate in the education program at Kinarut Ria.

  2. Pray for the youth programme in Kota Marudu. Pray that the team will find suitable hostels and churches to collaborate with for the Flourishing Journey Programme.

  3. Pray for income generation projects in Kinarut, Pitas and Kudat. Pray that these projects will empower and positively impact the community’s livelihood.

  4. Pray for clarity, unity, and good health for our team in Sabah.

  5. Pray for the safety of our staff when they visit various projects, especially during the monsoon season at the end of the year

Group photo at our recent Participatory Rural Assessment training. 

(Photo credit: Putra)

Human Resources
WEEK 2 December 11-20, 2023

  1. Pray for God’s wisdom and the spirit of discernment upon the Human Resource team: Lynn and Christina, as they support the staff of Malaysian CARE.

  2. Pray for breakthroughs and personal growth for all staff as they continue to serve in this ministry.

  3. Thank God for all our new staff. May they fulfil God’s calling and purpose in this season of their life.

  4. Pray for the overall staff of Malaysian CARE, that they will be in good health, able to have the required rest and sleep daily, and lead a well-balanced life.

  5. As the year is drawing to an end, pray for all staff to have a meaningful time recalling God’s blessings in 2023 and to get ready to dive into 2024 with God’s guidance and wisdom

Setapak Community & Youth
WEEK 3 December 21-31, 2023

  1. Pray that the new space layout for Pusat Sumber Komuniti CARE will be beneficial for the learning and development of the community children and the youth group.

  2. Pray that the newly appointed group of community leaders will set aside their differences and unite for the greater good of community development as a whole.

  3. Pray that the youth team will stay true to God’s will and truth as we align with one another to serve in the youth ministry at CARE.

  4. Pray for God to lead us to potential community youths who are willing to be mentored in leadership roles and be equipped to contribute positively to the Setapak community.

  5. Pray for God to connect us with churches and individuals to journey alongside us in serving the youth community in Setapak as mentors in building future leaders within the community.

    Future leaders in action. (Photo credit: Elliot Tan)