Partners in Prayer

Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, 
it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 18:19)

We invite you to pray for the ministry of Malaysian CARE and for the needs of the poor & needy in our communities.

Prayer Points for this Month (November 2023)

Policy, Advocacy & Research
WEEK 1 November 1-5, 2023

  1. We thank God for Hwa Hui-En’s nine years of faithful service with Malaysian CARE in Sabah and KL. Pray for her family as her husband Dr Lee Soo Tian pursues an MA in Theology and Ministry at Durham University, UK.

  2. Pray that policies and procedures will be changed to ensure that every Malaysian prisoner will have a MyKad upon his or her release. 

  3. Pray for unity and cooperation among partnering churches as they advocate with Malaysian CARE to serve marginalised communities through various Christian networks.

  4. Pray that God grants wisdom to the Ministry of Health (MOH) as they work through the Health White Paper (HWP 2023) towards inclusive healthcare access for communities such as Orang Asli, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV, ex-prisoners and many more.

  5. Pray for Bah Saluji and his family as he serves the Orang Asli community, especially in reaching out to children and youth.

    Hui-En and her family.

Finance & Admin

WEEK 2 November 6-12, 2023

  1. Pray for good health, protection, strength and wisdom for the team in the course of daily work.

  2. Thank God for His faithfulness in providing for His ministry through CARE for the past 44 years! Pray for God’s blessings upon every donor – individuals, churches and organisations – for their faithful and sacrificial giving to support poor and needy communities. 

  3. Pray for the security and maintenance of all our premises, office equipment and vehicles in CARE.

  4. Pray for God’s wisdom upon Peter Ng, HOD, to administer all matters pertaining to finance and administration and support the team in their work. 

  5. Pray for the ReconRe retreat centre. God has provided this beautiful retreat space and we pray that He would lead people to utilise this place for the fulfilment of His purpose.


PC Kampar & Ladang CARE
WEEK 3  November 13-19, 2023

  1. Thank God for a new group of six board members of Koperasi Sengoi Pribumi Perak (KSPP). Pray for God to equip them with skills, knowledge, and a willing heart to learn and serve their community through this cooperative.

  2. Thank God for sending a new KSPP staff, Arzemisa, to serve alongside existing staff, Alang and Lyex.

  3. Pray for healing for our Orang Asli children in the villages who are currently having symptoms of viral fever and flu.

  4. Pray for God to refresh and deepen His love amongst Ladang CARE colleagues as they plan for economic projects such as passion fruit and coconut farming.

  5. Pray for God to inspire and lead the transition in systems and leadership that is taking place.

    A training was conducted in Sepang on passion fruit farming for OA villagers from Perak and Pahang.

    The completion of an exercise to map services at Ladang CARE and Pusat CARE Kampar to improve efficiency and service delivery. 

Child Empowerment  (Special Needs, Children, Bumblebee)

WEEK 4 November 20-26, 2023

  1. Pray for the ongoing improvement of CARE’s Toy Library & Parents’ Resource Centre. 

  2. Pray for more job opportunities for young adults and that they may be able to persevere and stay in the workplace for the long term and for God’s favour to rest upon them. 

  3. Pray for God’s protection and covering upon the Bumblebee team as they faithfully enter into communities that are not very welcoming due to religious tensions. 

  4. Pray for the Children’s Empowerment team as they firm up the Supported Playgroup programme in the community. Pray that the community parents will be receptive to this playgroup. 

  5. Pray for God to open more doors to collaborate with different churches, professionals and stakeholders that are willing to champion the children’s work in Setapak.

    Community children from Setapak during an outing to Petrosains. 
    (Photo credit: Nicholas Goh) 

Executive Director’s Office

WEEK 5 November 27-30, 2023

  1. Pray for the board and management team to have the insight from God to work towards rebuilding the broken walls of society and broken lives in Malaysia.

  2. Pray for God’s peace and financial blessings over every Malaysian and others who reside in Malaysia. 

  3. Pray for Alvin Lim’s succession plan to go smoothly as he hands over his leadership role by the end of the year.

  4. Pray for the good health of the board, management team and staff to be strengthened that they may continue serving the poor and needy communities.

  5. Pray for God’s blessings and favour over all donors, volunteers and interns as we enter the last quarter of the year.